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Carers Journey

A Carer can enter their caring journey gradually over time, dementia for example or suddenly due to a life changing incident.  No two journeys, nor their duration are ever the same. All Carers journeys are likely to involve, health and social care, employment, family relationships, forms and their bureaucracy, feeling alone, forgotten and frustrated.

There will be stairs to climb, slides to drag them down and guidance on how to make the journey easier to navigate.

No one should ever be alone on their journey as Carers Organisations; whose reason for existence is to support unpaid Carers, exist everywhere in the UK. More and more people, through Carer Champion training in the community and workplace, are becoming aware of unpaid Carers and directing them to this support.

3. Stresses & Strains

The Long and Winding Road of an Unpaid Carers Journey

Carers Champions

The Carers Champion role is to help raise awareness of unpaid Carers.

  • They can be found in a variety of front facing roles within the community and work places.

  • They will assist Carers to seek support from their local Carer Support Organisation

  • They encourage Carers to talk openly about their caring role

  • They let Carers know that they are not alone and there is lots of support available.

An elderly person is holding a soft ball while another person holds their hand.
  • Adult Carers
    Adult Carers care for other adults over the age of 18. This includes adults caring for their adult children.
  • Young Carers
    Young Carers are children and young people between the ages of 5 and 18 who provide regular and on-going care and/or emotional support to a family member who is physically or mentally ill, disabled or has an addiction.
  • Parent Carers
    Parent Carers are those caring for a disabled child or young person under the age of 18. Parents will often see themselves primarily as parents, however their child will have additional care needs and may be entitled to additional services.
  • Working Carers
    Working Carers are people in full or part-time employment, who also provide care for another person. Supporting Carers to remain in work can bring considerable benefits to Carers themselves, employers and the wider economy.
  • Sandwich Carers
    Sandwich Carers have more than one caring responsibility; for example, Carers could be caring for two family members, such as an elderly relative and a dependent child or a spouse (Carers UK 2012).
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